AI and Robotics Lab for Schools

Cubicle of knowledge offering AI and Robotics education with comprehensive curriculum, interactive robots, hands-on projects and real-life applications!

It’s not just an AI Lab, It's a Skilling Program!

Experience the endeavor of interactive learning with a world-class lab, space to code AI-powered Quarky robots with PictoBlox, and learning resources for both students and teachers!


1. AI and Robotics Lab

World-class AI laboratory infrastructure with DIY kits for project-based learning

2. Coding & AI Platform

All-in-one coding environment designed for students with block-based coding & Python

3. Structured Curriculum

Year-long curriculum for class 3rd to 12th as per NEP 2020 and IB/CBSE Skill Subjects.


An Innovation Centric Holistic Ecosystem

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics Lab for schools is a holistic package to provide complete solutions with DIY Robotics kits, Coding Software, Grade-wise certified curriculum for CBSE Subject Code 417, 843, and ICSE Subject Code 66, Teaching Resources, and Learning Management Systems to impart the BEST coding, AI, and robotics education with hands-on learning.


Coding and AI Platform

Kits For AI & Robotics Lab

Teacher Development Programs

Curriculum & Resources